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Reenchantment Poem Picture


The ReEnchantment


And it's up to us

To re-enchant this planet Earth 


We are the elves and the giants

We are the shining ones

Daughters of the Moon

And Sons of the Sun 

We are the shapeshifters


We are the mysterious light

Shrouded in mists

At the dawn of our time

And it's up to us to re-enchant

This living planet 


Up to us to midwife

At our own rebirth

Up to us to send our dead

Along their ancient pathways

To the future

Up to us to re-enchant this

Living planet Earth 


It's up to us to break the spell

That steals the colors

From the world

And leaves it lifeless

It was our spell - we can break it 


It's up to us to break the spell

That steals the magic

From the wind and rain

It is our spell - we can break it 


We will dance the magic dance

And our bodies will remember

We will sing the magic songs

And together we'll remember

How to live together

How to love each other

How to ride the eagle

How to call the deer


—Will Ashe Bason

Reproduced by permission of the author.

©2007—2010 ReEnchant Planet Earth