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About The Talking Stick


The Talking Stick is a tool used in many Native American traditions. A talking stick allows members to present their sacred point of view. Indian children are taught to listen from age three forward; they are also taught to respect another's viewpoint. This is not to say that they may not disagree, but rather they are bound by their personal honor to allow everyone their Sacred Point of View. Whoever holds the talking stick has within their hands the sacred power of words.

"As in the ancient circles of elders, each Council member comes to know they bring a piece of the truth to the circle - essential in itself, but only a part of the whole. The passion of our personal vision is shared without attachment, and then our position is released to the larger truth of the circle." [1]

The Reenchant Planet Earth Community's "Talking Stick"

The Talking Stick illustrated below symbolizes the birth of this community and was created by a group of family and friends dedicated to reenchanting the planet earth. Thee Stick measures about 5 ½ feet tall. It is a big stick. Most sticks don’t have to be quite this big. Maybe a foot! This stick carry’s the energy of this community and at the top of it there is a natural heart. One dream is to travel all over sharing its power.

Talking Stick


Reenchanting is not only a personal journey but a global journey towards connecting with others. Both journeys require listening with respect and communication. It is in that spirit that we encourage each of you to create your own personal talking stick or to create a community one.

Coming soon!! The Reenchant Planet Earth team will be showing you the video of Thee Talking Stick stick symbolizing the birth of this community.

Creat Your Own Talking Stick

There are numerous web sites that can help you determine the type of stick to use, what certain colors mean, and what different types of materials symbolize. Google "Talking Sticks and Talking Stick Circles".

Send us your talking stick stuff, along with a story, to:

[1]Council, by Jack Zimmerman and Virginia Coyle, in Utne Reader, 1991


©2007—2008 ReEnchant Planet Earth



Thee Talking Stick

share your stories. read other people's sacred stories.