When I was 5 years old, my mother convinced my father to buy a piano so that my sister and I could learn how to play. My sister was never quite fond of playing but I loved it. Whenever my teacher would bring a new book I would get so excited because after my lesson I would sit at the piano thumbing through the new songs trying to play all of them. My mom never had to tell me to practice as I was always practicing. My father worked many hours so much of our upbringing was the responsibility of my mom.
Who my mother was, I believe, played a huge role in who I am today. She was a stedford wife, always angry, and never able to enjoy being a mother. She always talked badly about herself saying she was stupid and ugly and I believe she suffered from depression. She never looked at raising girls as an honor but as a punishment. Along with piano, I was into gymnastics and made the team to compete. Shortly after, I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus my mother felt gymnastics would aggravate it. She was devastated and would lock herself in her room and cry unable to look at me.
Our teenage years were the hardest time for her as she was unequipped to deal with the challenges of raising young ladies. I shaved the side of my head and ripped my jeans always excited to change things up. I was always drawn to the artistic and creative part of life but stayed clear of major drinking and any and all drugs. I never did drugs because I didn’t like the feeling of not being in control. When I wasn’t with my parents, that was the only time I felt I had control and was not about to compromise that with drugs.
I was a creative young lady with very conservative parents who did not embrace nor tolerate or accept anything but the norm. There was a lot of fighting in my home during those years and luckily for me, playing the piano was a positive distraction to the craziness.
After high school, I auditioned and was accepted into college majoring in Classical Performance. I worked hard and did very well. All the while, my relationship with my parents was broken. My parents were still always the first to criticize and remind us that we would be working at McDonalds if it wasn’t for them. My little victories were passed over by my mistakes and choices.
Upon graduation, I got engaged and got a job teaching music in a public school. I was always driven and competitive which made my job very rewarding through vocal competitions, festivals and adjudications.
During my six years of teaching I gave birth to two beautiful boys. I found being tied to a full time job and being the mother I wanted to be meant making a change. So, we moved from NJ to NC 3 years ago to start a new life together. Being a mother was and is the hugest challenge of my life. At first I struggled with motherhood and had to face my own childhood demons as raising your own children often brings you back to your own childhood.
I decided along with teaching piano a few nights a week, I would be one of the class moms for my older son’s kindergarten class. I was put in charge of desserts for the holiday parties and would create outrageous treats for each student in the class. By the spring, people looked forward to what I was going to create next and was asked frequently if this is what I did for a living. Since I enjoyed it so much I decided to start a business called Cupcake Envy which focuses solely on sculpted single servings of cake. I have made it through my first year in business and am happy to say that I am going to be expanding Cupcake Envy to internet mail orders and possibly a retail location.

Most of my inspirations for the mini cake designs comes from client requests and random thoughts. I am very fortunate that I am doing something that I love and hopefully modeling a good work ethic for my boys.
Now my life is my husband, my boys, and Cupcake Envy and I wouldn’t have it any other way. So, take chances, don’t fear change, find your passion, and always love who you are. Believe in yourself and above all, laugh every day.
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Written by Amy