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Privacy Policy


Privacy and Security

ReEnchant Earth cares about the privacy of each user of its website. To protect the privacy of its users, ReEnchant Earth maintains the following policy:


General Information
When you visit the website some basic general information is collected. This information is used to improve the website and make your visit as enjoyable and efficient as possible. "Cookies" are used to help us determine the various services you use and the support you may need, and to help us detect and solve any problems you may have when using the site. This general information is used internally in connection with ReEnchant Earth's business, including marketing and advertising efforts.


Personal Information
When you set up an account on the website or purchase an item from the website, we collect personal information (which you provide) that may include your: (i) first and last name; (ii) billing address; (iii) shipping address; (iv) other shipping addresses; (v) email address; (vi) phone number; (vii) credit card account number; (viii) items purchased from us; and (ix) browsing, buying and selling patterns (collectively, "Personal Information").


A cookie is a text file stored on your computer's hard drive. Websites create cookies to record information about your preferences, such as the items you add to your shopping cart, and for security reasons (see Credit Card Security below). Most cookies expire after a certain time period. The most popular browsers, such as Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, can be set to give you the option of accepting or rejecting all cookies.


Use/Sharing of Personal Information
Your name, shipping and billing addresses, and credit card number(s) are used by ReEnchant Earth in order to provide you with the goods that you purchase on the Web site. We use your email address to provide you with information about your order and its status, and we may occasionally send out emails, including newsletters, to people who have placed an order online, offering them more great deals. Your phone number is used by ReEnchant Earth only in the event that our customer service representatives need to contact you about an order you have placed. ReEnchant Earthcurrently does not share any Personal Information with any third party.


Credit Card Security
The Internet is a vast network of computers. Because the data passes from computer to computer, some Internet shoppers worry that unauthorized persons may intercept the data and gain access to credit card numbers, but shopping on a secure site is actually safer than handing a credit card to a waiter in a restaurant. Taking the steps below will lower the chances of interception of your credit card number:

Limit your online shopping to Internet merchants with sites equipped with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. SSL prevents unauthorized people from intercepting your data. Use a browser, such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer, that supports SSL. These browsers show a symbol in the status bar, such as a key or lock, when you are on a site that uses SSL. Most banks will cover the cost of fraud resulting from unauthorized use of your credit card or may limit your liability.


ReEnchant Earth wants you to be aware that when you click on links (including advertising banners), which take you to third-party websites, you will be subject to such third parties' privacy policies. While we support the protection of privacy on the Internet, ReEnchant Earth expressly disclaims any and all liability for the actions of third parties, including without limitation actions relating to the use and/or disclosure of Personal Information by third parties.