The Reenchant Planet Earth Newsletter "Thee Talking Stick"
In the world of blogs, emails, podcasts—so much communication—a pause to listen to the power of words, of people's stories, can be reenchanting. In American Indian tribes a talking stick was used to assure the speaker the freedom to be authentic without fear of reprisal or humiliation.
Thee Talking Stick Newsletter is an opportunity to focus on the personal accomplishments of people—men, women, children. Rather than thinking as writing being scary, think of it as being creative, no judgement. Let the creativeness inside that wants to share bubble up. We know that you may be shy or scared or apprehensive. Whatever the emotion acknowledge it and give it recognition but not control. Be creative. Let us hear you. Everyone has a good story! You don’t think so? We believe in you! Every act of faith, every journey, every feat is a good story! We will help you find one! It is important.